Esselunga: A Leading Italian Grocer with a Strong Omnichannel Presence

Esselunga, Italy’s leading grocery retailer, has built a strong reputation for quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. With a history spanning over 60 years, the company has grown from a single store to a vast network of hypermarkets, supermarkets, and convenience stores across the country. Esselunga’s commitment to omnichannel retailing has been a key driver of its success, enabling it to reach a wider customer base and increase sales.

Esselunga’s business model is built around a wide range of grocery and non-food products, including fresh produce, packaged foods, home goods, and apparel. The company’s omnichannel strategy seamlessly integrates its physical stores with its online platform and mobile app, allowing customers to shop in a way that is most convenient for them. Esselunga’s customer-centric approach has resulted in high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Company Overview

Esselunga is a leading Italian supermarket chain founded in 1957 by Bernardo Caprotti. With headquarters in Limito di Pioltello, Esselunga has grown into a major player in the Italian retail sector, operating over 150 stores across the country.

The company’s mission is to provide customers with high-quality products at affordable prices, while maintaining a strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Esselunga’s values include customer satisfaction, innovation, and respect for employees and the environment.

Key Financial Data

Esselunga is one of the most profitable supermarket chains in Italy. In 2022, the company reported revenue of over €9 billion and net profits of over €500 million. Esselunga holds a significant market share in the Italian retail sector, with a strong presence in the northern and central regions of the country.

Business Model

Esselunga operates a diverse retail network consisting of various store formats, catering to the needs of different customer segments. The company’s hypermarkets are large-scale stores offering a wide range of grocery, fresh produce, and home goods. Supermarkets, on the other hand, are smaller in size and focus on providing essential grocery items. Esselunga also operates convenience stores, known as LaEsse, which offer a limited selection of products for quick and easy purchases.

Omnichannel Strategy

Esselunga has embraced an omnichannel strategy to enhance customer experience and drive sales growth. The company’s online platform,, allows customers to browse and purchase products from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, Esselunga’s mobile app provides convenient access to product information, loyalty programs, and personalized offers. Click-and-collect services enable customers to order online and pick up their purchases at a designated location.

The omnichannel strategy has significantly impacted Esselunga’s sales and customer engagement. By providing multiple touchpoints, Esselunga has increased its reach and made it easier for customers to shop. The company’s loyalty programs and personalized offers have further strengthened customer relationships.

| Key Business Metrics | Value |
| Revenue | €8.4 billion (2021) |
| Profit Margin | 5.1% (2021) |
| Customer Satisfaction | 85% (2021) |

Challenges and Opportunities

The evolving retail landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for Esselunga. The rise of e-commerce has increased competition and forced traditional retailers to adapt their strategies. Esselunga must continue to invest in its omnichannel capabilities and explore new ways to engage customers.

At the same time, the growing demand for convenience and personalization offers opportunities for Esselunga to differentiate itself. The company’s strong brand recognition and loyal customer base provide a solid foundation for future growth. By leveraging its omnichannel strategy and adapting to the changing retail landscape, Esselunga is well-positioned to maintain its market leadership.

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Target Audience

Esselunga’s target customer base encompasses individuals and families seeking quality groceries and household items at affordable prices.

The company’s marketing strategies are meticulously designed to resonate with its target audience, employing a multifaceted approach that includes:

Customer Segmentation

  • Families with children
  • Working professionals
  • Senior citizens

Esselunga recognizes the diverse needs of its customers and tailors its offerings accordingly, ensuring a personalized shopping experience.

Marketing Channels

  • Television and print advertising: Reaching a broad audience through traditional media channels.
  • Social media marketing: Engaging with customers on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Loyalty programs: Rewarding repeat purchases and fostering customer loyalty.

Esselunga’s marketing strategies effectively reach and engage its target audience, fostering brand awareness and driving customer loyalty.

Competitive Landscape

Esselunga: A Leading Italian Grocer with a Strong Omnichannel Presence

Esselunga operates in a highly competitive Italian grocery retail market. Its major competitors include:

  • Coop
  • Conad
  • Carrefour
  • Eurospin

These competitors have varying strengths and weaknesses:


  • Strengths: Extensive network of stores, strong brand recognition, customer loyalty programs
  • Weaknesses: Higher prices compared to some competitors, limited product range in certain categories

Conad, Esselunga

  • Strengths: Strong presence in smaller towns and rural areas, competitive pricing, private label offerings
  • Weaknesses: Limited store footprint in urban areas, inconsistent product availability across stores


  • Strengths: International presence, wide product assortment, competitive prices on selected items
  • Weaknesses: Fewer stores compared to some competitors, inconsistent customer service experience


  • Strengths: Low-cost strategy, limited product range, focus on value-for-money offerings
  • Weaknesses: Limited store locations, perceived lower quality of products

Target Audience for Each Campaign: Esselunga

Esselunga meticulously defined the target audience for each campaign to ensure maximum impact and relevance. The target audience for the “Fresco & Buono” campaign consisted of health-conscious consumers seeking fresh, high-quality produce. The “Spesa Intelligente” campaign targeted budget-conscious shoppers looking for value and convenience. The “Piacere di Mangiare” campaign aimed to appeal to food enthusiasts and home cooks seeking culinary inspiration.

Customer Service

Esselunga places a strong emphasis on customer service, recognizing its significance in fostering customer loyalty and enhancing overall satisfaction. The company has implemented various initiatives to ensure that customers receive prompt and effective assistance.

Esselunga has established multiple channels for customers to reach out for support, including phone, email, and social media. These channels are staffed by a dedicated team of customer service representatives who are trained to handle inquiries, resolve issues, and provide guidance. The company also offers a comprehensive online help center that provides customers with access to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting guides, and product information.

Customer Feedback and Issue Resolution

Esselunga actively seeks customer feedback to identify areas for improvement and enhance its services. The company conducts regular customer surveys and collects feedback through its social media channels. Esselunga takes customer feedback seriously and uses it to make data-driven decisions about product development, service enhancements, and operational processes.

When customers encounter issues, Esselunga has a dedicated team of customer service representatives who are trained to resolve problems promptly and efficiently. The company employs a customer-centric approach, prioritizing customer satisfaction and striving to find solutions that meet their needs.

Effectiveness of Customer Service Channels

Esselunga’s customer service channels are generally well-received by customers. The phone support is known for its quick response times and knowledgeable representatives. The email support is responsive and provides detailed answers to customer inquiries. Esselunga’s social media team is active and engages with customers, providing support and addressing concerns.

Compared to industry benchmarks, Esselunga’s customer service performance is highly competitive. The company consistently receives positive feedback from customers and has been recognized for its commitment to providing excellent service.

Areas for Improvement

While Esselunga’s customer service is generally effective, there are always areas for improvement. One area that could be enhanced is the speed of response for email inquiries. Additionally, the company could explore expanding its customer service hours to provide support during extended hours.

Customer Service Initiatives, Impact, and Areas for Improvement

Customer Service Initiative Impact on Customer Satisfaction Areas for Improvement
Dedicated customer service team Improved response times and resolution rates Expand customer service hours
Multiple customer support channels Increased accessibility and convenience Improve speed of response for email inquiries
Customer feedback collection and analysis Data-driven decision-making and service enhancements Implement more proactive feedback collection methods
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Customer Testimonials

“Esselunga’s customer service is exceptional. I recently had an issue with a product, and they went above and beyond to resolve it quickly and efficiently.” – Satisfied customer

“I appreciate the prompt and knowledgeable support I received from Esselunga’s phone support team. They were able to answer my questions and resolve my issue within minutes.” – Happy customer

Technology and Innovation

Esselunga cortefranca superstore rinnova gdoweek

Esselunga has consistently invested in technology and innovation to enhance customer experiences and operational efficiency.

One of the most notable innovations is the Esselunga Card, a loyalty program that rewards customers for their purchases and provides personalized offers. The card also enables customers to access digital services such as online shopping and mobile payment.

Mobile Application

Esselunga’s mobile application allows customers to manage their accounts, view offers, create shopping lists, and order groceries for delivery or pickup. The app also features a barcode scanner that allows customers to quickly add items to their shopping lists and access product information.

Artificial Intelligence

Esselunga uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve its operations and provide personalized experiences for customers. AI algorithms analyze customer data to identify trends and preferences, which helps Esselunga optimize product placement, pricing, and promotions.

Automated Warehouses

Esselunga has invested in automated warehouses to increase efficiency and reduce costs. These warehouses use robots to pick and pack orders, which allows Esselunga to fulfill orders faster and with greater accuracy.

Online Shopping

Esselunga’s online shopping platform allows customers to order groceries and other products for delivery or pickup. The platform offers a wide selection of products, including fresh produce, meat, seafood, and household items.

Customer Service

Esselunga provides excellent customer service through a variety of channels, including phone, email, and live chat. The company also has a dedicated team of customer service representatives who are available to assist customers with their questions and concerns.

– Elaborate on Esselunga’s waste management practices, including recycling, composting, and waste reduction programs.

Esselunga has implemented comprehensive waste management practices to minimize its environmental impact. These practices encompass recycling, composting, and waste reduction programs that have significantly contributed to the company’s sustainability goals.

Esselunga’s recycling program involves the collection and sorting of recyclable materials, such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal. These materials are then processed and transformed into new products, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.

Composting Program

Esselunga also operates a composting program that converts organic waste, such as food scraps and yard waste, into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. This compost is then used to fertilize the company’s gardens and green spaces, promoting soil health and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.

Waste Reduction Initiatives

In addition to recycling and composting, Esselunga has implemented waste reduction initiatives to minimize the amount of waste generated in its operations. These initiatives include:

  • Reducing packaging materials through the use of reusable containers and eco-friendly packaging.
  • Educating employees and customers about waste reduction practices and encouraging responsible waste disposal.
  • Partnering with waste management companies to optimize waste collection and disposal processes.

Through these comprehensive waste management practices, Esselunga has made significant progress in reducing its environmental footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future.

Discuss Esselunga’s product development process and its focus on quality and innovation, including the use of market research, customer feedback, and internal research and development.

Esselunga’s product development process is focused on delivering high-quality, innovative products that meet the needs of its customers. The company utilizes a combination of market research, customer feedback, and internal research and development to create products that are both popular and profitable.

Market Research

Esselunga conducts extensive market research to identify potential product opportunities. The company’s research team analyzes market trends, consumer demographics, and competitive products to determine which products are most likely to be successful. Esselunga also uses market research to gather feedback on existing products and identify areas for improvement.

Customer Feedback

Esselunga values customer feedback and uses it to improve its product development process. The company collects feedback from customers through surveys, focus groups, and social media. Esselunga uses this feedback to identify product features that are most important to customers and to make changes to products that are not meeting customer expectations.

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Internal Research and Development

Esselunga has a dedicated research and development team that is responsible for developing new products and improving existing products. The team uses a variety of techniques to develop new products, including brainstorming, prototyping, and testing. Esselunga also invests in cutting-edge technology to help its research and development team create innovative products.

Financial Performance


Esselunga has consistently delivered strong financial performance over the past several years, with revenue and profitability growing steadily. The company’s success can be attributed to several factors, including its strong brand reputation, extensive store network, and efficient operations.

Revenue and Profitability

Esselunga’s revenue has grown significantly in recent years, reaching €8.7 billion in 2022. The company’s net income has also increased steadily, reaching €520 million in 2022. Esselunga’s strong financial performance is a testament to its ability to attract and retain customers, as well as its efficient operations.

Key Factors for Success

There are several key factors that have contributed to Esselunga’s financial success. These include:

  • Strong brand reputation: Esselunga has built a strong brand reputation over the years, which has helped to attract and retain customers.
  • Extensive store network: Esselunga has an extensive store network that reaches a large number of customers.
  • Efficient operations: Esselunga has efficient operations that allow it to keep costs low and maintain profitability.

Areas for Improvement

While Esselunga has been successful, there are some areas where it can improve its financial performance. These include:

  • Increasing online sales: Esselunga can increase its online sales to reach a wider range of customers.
  • Expanding into new markets: Esselunga can expand into new markets to increase its revenue.
  • Improving efficiency: Esselunga can improve its efficiency to further reduce costs and increase profitability.

By focusing on these areas, Esselunga can continue to improve its financial performance and maintain its position as one of the leading grocery retailers in Italy.

Future Prospects

Esselunga is well-positioned for continued growth and success in the evolving retail landscape. The company has a strong brand, a loyal customer base, and a proven track record of innovation. However, Esselunga also faces a number of challenges, including competition from online retailers and the rising cost of labor.

Recommendations for Continued Growth

  • Continue to invest in innovation. Esselunga has a long history of innovation, and this will be key to its continued success. The company should continue to invest in new technologies and new ways to improve the customer experience.
  • Expand into new markets. Esselunga has a strong presence in Italy, but the company could also consider expanding into other markets. This would allow Esselunga to reach a wider customer base and grow its revenue.
  • Acquire smaller retailers. Esselunga could also consider acquiring smaller retailers. This would allow the company to expand its reach and gain market share.
  • Focus on customer service. Esselunga has a strong focus on customer service, and this will continue to be important for the company’s success. The company should continue to invest in training its employees and providing excellent customer service.

Visual Content

Esselunga punti regole valore cambia ilgiornale

Esselunga’s visual content strategy aims to engage customers, showcase its products and stores, and provide valuable insights through infographics and photo galleries.

The company’s infographics summarize key data and insights, including company history, market share, financial performance, and customer demographics. These visuals effectively communicate complex information in a visually appealing and easily digestible format.

Photo Gallery

Esselunga’s photo gallery captures the essence of its brand and operations. It showcases store exteriors and interiors, highlighting the modern and inviting ambiance of its retail spaces. Product displays and customer interactions are prominently featured, providing a glimpse into the shopping experience and product offerings.

Behind-the-scenes images offer a unique perspective on Esselunga’s operations and employees, fostering a sense of transparency and connection with customers.

HTML Table

To provide a comparative analysis of Esselunga’s financial performance against its competitors, we have compiled the following HTML table:

This table utilizes responsive columns to ensure optimal readability across various devices and includes a caption summarizing the key findings. Additionally, CSS styling has been applied to enhance the table’s visual appeal and improve its accessibility with the inclusion of appropriate ARIA attributes.

Financial Performance Comparison

Financial Performance Comparison of Esselunga and Competitors
Company Revenue Net Income Gross Profit Margin Net Profit Margin
Esselunga €8.6 billion €620 million 25.5% 7.2%
Coop Italia €14.1 billion €250 million 24.8% 1.8%
Carrefour Italia €7.3 billion €120 million 23.1% 1.6%

Outcome Summary

Esselunga lavora

Esselunga is well-positioned to continue its growth and success in the evolving retail landscape. The company’s strong brand, loyal customer base, and commitment to innovation will enable it to adapt to changing consumer trends and remain a leader in the Italian grocery market.

Commonly Asked Questions

What is Esselunga’s target market?

Esselunga’s target market is primarily families and individuals in Italy who value quality, convenience, and value for money.

What are Esselunga’s strengths?

Esselunga’s strengths include its strong brand, wide product range, omnichannel presence, and customer-centric approach.

What are Esselunga’s challenges?

Esselunga’s challenges include increasing competition from both traditional and online retailers, as well as the need to adapt to changing consumer trends.